Monroe County, Indiana

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County Council

Welcome to the Monroe County Council

Update: Council Meeting Agenda-Packets can be found on the Event Calendar under their corresponding meeting!

The County Council has the ultimate- decision-making power regarding the fiscal affairs of the county government. 

The Council is comprised of seven members. Monroe County is divided into four council districts with one member elected from each, in addition to three members elected from the county at- large.  All Council members are elected to staggered, 4-year terms. 

Duties of the County Council include but are not limited to:

  • Adopting the annual budget
  • Fixing tax rates for the county in order to raise funds to meet budget requirements
  • Authorizing the expenditure of county money for specific purposes
  • Approving job descriptions and establishing salaries for all county government offices and agencies

Meet Your Representatives

District Council Members 

Find your Representative

Peter Peter Iversen, President Pro Tempore

                                                    District 1                                                                                                             (812)345-7486


Kate Wiltz

                                                  District  2                                                                                                                            (812)679-8718 

Marty Hawk

Marty Hawk

                                                    District 3                                                                                                                     (812)876-4545


Jennifer Crossley, President

                                                     District 4                                                                                                                        (812)349-7312

           At- Large Council Members

Regardless of where you live in Monroe County, you are represented by four (4) members of the County Council. One district member, as well as these three (3) At- Large members.

Deckard Feitl Henry
          Trent Deckard       Liz Feitl David G. Henry (812)360-2110



We invite you to attend Council meetings!

Council meetings are open to the public. They are held the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 5:00 pm, in the Nat U Hill Meeting Room, located on the third floor of the courthouse. Meetings can also be attended via Teams.   Click here to join meetings.

All County Council meetings are recorded by CATS; you may find and view past meetings HERE.

Council Office Staff:

Kim Shell, Council Administrator                                                   Email:            Phone:812-349-2516

Courtney Moser, Assistant Council Administrator             Email:         Phone: 812-349-2569

Aubrey De-Lawter-Myers, Council Admin. Assistant       Email:    Phone: 812-349-2514


  • Agendas
  • Minutes
  • News
  • Meetings

Contact Us

Monroe County Courthouse
100 W Kirkwood Ave
Suite 306
Bloomington, IN 47404
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