County Home PageAirportAssessorAuditorBuilding DepartmentBoard of CommissionersBoards, Commissions, & CommitteesCircuit CourtClerk of CourtCommunity CorrectionsCoroner's OfficeCounty CouncilEmergency ManagementHealth DepartmentEmployee ServicesLegalParks & RecreationPlanning DepartmentPlanning - Alternative Transportation
The website showcases the facilities and services that the airport can offer and displays the multitude of advantages that make Monroe County Airport the perfect suitor for aviation-related business. In addition to technical information a pilot might need, the website informs visitors about the staff and history behind the airport.
For up-to-date news, the “News and Media” page contains a blog that details the happenings at Monroe County Airport.
For Aviators
For complete aeronautical information about Monroe County Airport (Bloomington, IN, USA), including location, runways, navaids, radio frequencies, FBOs, and fuel prices go to our main website at
About the Office
The Monroe County Assessor's Office maintains property records for all townships. The property record cards contain the property characteristics and the assessed value based on the Market Value in use. We also maintain sales information of properties sold from 2008-Present for the entire county.
The first PTABOA meeting for 2024 will be held on Wednesday, March 20th at 1:30 pm. This will be an organizational meeting only. Form 11's will be going out by May 1, 2024, for the 2024 appeal season. Appeal filing deadline is June 17, 2024. Virtual meetings are still available and encouraged.
2024 Personal Property forms have been mailed out. Filing deadline is May 15th, 2024. If you filed as exempt (below $80,000 total acquisition costs) in 2023, you do not need to refile as long as your exempt status is still applicable.
The County Auditor is a constitutional officer of the county, elected for a four year term from the county at large with prohibition against serving more than two consecutive terms.
How the Auditor's Office Serves You: The Auditor is the Chief Financial Officer for the County.
Manages the filing of all exemptions and deductions allowed by the state statute
Maintains property ownership records
Handles all real property transfers of ownership
Tax Sale - Publication and Records of Sale, Deeds
Tax Abatements
Preserves plat maps on the county GIS system
Secretary to the County Commissioners and County Council
About Us:
The Monroe County Building Department is an office responsible for the inspection and enforcement of adopted Indiana Building Codes throughout Monroe County. The department is also charged with maintaining the licensing and registration program for electricians and plumbers working within the County.
We, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners, renew our commitment to welcome and protect the rights of all people regardless of age, color, creed, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, marital status, economic status, and national origin; and we affirm the right of every person to live peacefully and without fear and we will fight and resist, at every step, discrimination and harmful policies, whatever their source.
We also stand with and support our county public school systems both RBB and MCCSC.
Meeting Information and Featured Pages
The Monroe County Board of Commissioners meets weekly to approve payroll and claims, receive reports, sign resolutions, and receive legislation. The public meeting is held every Thursday, at 10:00 a.m. in the Nat U. Hill, III Meeting Room in the Courthouse. A "work session" will follow after a brief recess, when necessary. In addition, the Commissioners will meet for administrative matters from time to time. If an administrative meeting occurs virtually, it may be viewed at this link:
The office hours are of a “drop-in” format, which means you will enter a virtual waiting room. Dependent upon your arrival time you will either be admitted immediately into the meeting by the Commissioner covering those hours, or you may have to wait until the person prior to you is finished. The Commissioner covering a particular meeting will monitor the meeting time for 1 hour.
In order to attend a virtual office hour just go to the main page and go to the calendar, find the date you are attending and click on the link that says Commissioner Virtual Office Hours.
We hope you find this opportunity fruitful- we do want to hear from you.
Welcome to Monroe County Boards and Commissions! Please review and apply if you want to get involved! Some basic guidelines specific to our Boards and Commissions are:
The Open Door Law (ODL) IC 5-14-1.5 was enacted as a means to ensure the public was not eliminated from governmental proceedings. The intention is the ODL will encourage participation and understanding of government. TheHandbook of Indiana's Public Access Lawsis available assist both Board and Commission members as well as the public.
The Monroe County Code Chapter 216 provides the provisions required of our Boards and Commissions unless contradicted by the Indiana Code or the Administrative Code.
The Monroe Circuit Court is a unified court with nine divisions. The Court has jurisdiction over every category of case that can be filed; from traffic violations to felonies, from small claims to corporate receiverships, and cases involving individuals and families at every stage of life's existence. As a unified court the system is managed as a whole, with one budget, an Office of Court Services and a Probation Department.
Check back here often for announcements and information about upcoming elections, how to register to vote, and how to volunteer to work polling stations.
Thank you for visiting the web page for the Office of the Monroe County Clerk! I hope that you will find the answers to all of your questions here. If not, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Office of the Clerk is responsible for processing and providing many important documents and procedures, including marriage licenses, child support, small claims, voter registration, and more.
As Clerk, I strive to ensure that you are treated with respect and dignity by my staff. We are dedicated to serving you and are available every Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (except holidays). Give us a call or stop by and one of my great and knowledgeable staff members will provide you with excellent customer service!
Again, thank you for visiting our page and we look forward to serving you!
Please note the request for a waiver of the cost of filing a case must be determined PRIOR to a case being initiated. This may require parties filing in person to return later, once a determination has been made for the fee waiver request.
Drivers have up to (5) days to resolve their issue. If you call the same day you receive the ticket, it is unlikely we will have access to the case record to assist you, and will have you call back in a day or two to allow the record to be accessible. As long as you call PRIOR to your APPEAR BY DATE and AFTER THE RECORD IS AVAILABLE TO US and provide PROOF you’ve resolved the issue you were cited for within the (5) days, then we should be able to assist you in DISMISSING the ticket. The designated (5) days pertain to the time in which the driver has to address the offense for which they were cited. It does not mean the ticket is to be dismissed within (5) days.
Please note, if you'd like an extension to pay on your infraction, simply call #812.349.2614 and request an extension PRIOR to your APPEAR BY DATE.
The mission of the Monroe Circuit Court Probation Department is to promote a safer community by intervening in the lives of justice involved individuals, holding them accountable, and serving as a catalyst for positive change.
General Information
The Monroe County Community Corrections Program is a division of Monroe Circuit Court Probation Department. The Community Corrections Executive Director is also a Deputy Chief Probation Officer.
In Indiana, the basic sentencing options for crimes are jail, prison, and/or probation. Community Corrections alternatives such as Home Detention, Day Reporting and Work Release are also available in many Indiana counties. For misdemeanor offenses and lesser felony offenses, Judges may sentence offenders to jail, Community Corrections alternatives, and/or probation.
Monroe County Community Corrections Case Managers are certified probation officers who supervise caseloads of offenders who are serving jail/prison sentences on the Community Alternative Supervision Program (CASP). The CASP probation officers/case managers perform probation supervision duties.
The Monroe County Community Corrections Program provides a continuum of alternative services which includes:
Community Transition Program - Offenders may be released from prison under home detention supervision as part of a coordinated reentry.
Day Reporting - Offenders report daily for supervision monitoring including alcohol and drug testing.
Home Detention - Offenders serve jail sentences in their homes while they are tethered to ankle bracelets for Electronic Monitoring. GPS (Global Positioning) monitoring is used to keep closer tabs on more serious offenders.
Public Restitution - Community service work performed for non-profit agencies.
Give the Gift of Life
The death of a loved one is one of the most difficult things you will face. But during this time, you can make a decision that offers your family member the opportunity to give a final gift to someone else in need. This decision may also offer you and your family some comfort in knowing that another person's life was saved by this special gift.
You and your family might be contacted by a member of the Indiana Donation Alliance and asked to consider donation as a possible last act for your loved one. Depending on your situation, you may be offered the option to consent to the donation of various organs, tissues, eyes or corneas.
Please be assured that:
Organ and tissue/eye donation is, in essence, a gift of life. Each tissue is extremely valuable to the recipient.
The donation will not delay the funeral or memorial services and will still allow for open casket viewing if desired.
Your family will not incur any additional medical costs because of donation.
Every year, families are offered the opportunity to give the gift of life through donation. We understand the decision to donate is a difficult and personal choice. One which often needs to be made at a time when the family is experiencing a traumatic loss. We encourage you to discuss this topic with your family and loved ones.
Welcome to the Monroe County Council
Update: Council Meeting Agenda-Packets can be found on the Event Calendar under their corresponding meeting!
The County Council has the ultimate- decision-making power regarding the fiscal affairs of the county government.
The Council is comprised of seven members. Monroe County is divided into four council districts with one member elected from each, in addition to three members elected from the county at- large. All Council members are elected to staggered, 4-year terms.
Duties of the County Council include but are not limited to:
Adopting the annual budget
Fixing tax rates for the county in order to raise funds to meet budget requirements
Authorizing the expenditure of county money for specific purposes
Approving job descriptions and establishing salaries for all county government offices and agencies
Regardless of where you live in Monroe County, you are represented by four (4) members of the County Council. One district member, as well as these three (3) At- Large members.
Council meetings are open to the public. They are held the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 5:00 pm, in the Nat U Hill Meeting Room, located on the third floor of the courthouse. Meetings can also be attended via Teams. Click here to join meetings.
All County Council meetings are recorded by CATS; you may find and view past meetings HERE.
About the Monroe County Emergency Management Agency
Emergency Management means the preparation for and the coordination of all emergency functions other than functions for which military forces or other federal agencies are primarily responsible for to prevent, minimize and repair injury and damage resulting from disasters.
To establish and maintain a progressive emergency management program that promotes the mitigation of, preparation for, the response to, and the recovery from emergencies and disasters impacting the public, government, and businesses of the communities in Monroe County.
Extreme Cold and Winter Weather Preparedness
Winter is here and will be in full swing over the next 3 months. The National Weather Service is calling for very cold temperatures and a lot of wintry precipitation for the month of January. Winter weather can bring complications and challenges that could impact our daily routine. The cold temperatures could bring on health complications, whereas snow and ice could cause slick road conditions that interfere with travel. That is why it is very important for everyone to prepare ahead of time for the effects that winter may bring.
The following are some safety tips that may help keep you and your loved ones safe this winter:
Continuously monitor your trusted weather station, as weather can change very quickly, especially during the winter.
Drive with caution during periods of heavy snow.
Always have an emergency kit in your vehicle in case you get stuck.
Make sure that your vehicle's fuel tank is always above 1/2 full in case you get stranded.
Give yourself extra space between other vehicles when slick spots may be possible.
Always give yourself extra time to get to your destination when winter weather is imminent.
Always be prepared for power outages. Keep enough supplies, food, water, medications, and other essentials that could last you up to 3 days or more without power. If you are oxygen dependent, work with your oxygen provider ahead of time to ensure that you have enough supply to last you for at least 3 days without power.
Dress appropriately for the temperatures. Wear layers on very cold days.
Use caution while shoveling snow. Make sure to take breaks periodically and know your limits.
Be careful when using alternative heating sources. Always keep them in the open, away from other items, and never plug them into a power strip.
Always exercise caution when using a generator; make sure to follow instructions.
Make sure your house has a carbon monoxide detector. It is preferred to have one on each floor if possible.
Sign Up For Emergency Alerts!
Sign up and receive critical community information.
Receive emergency alerts and other important community news by signing up for Monroe County Alert. This system enables us to provide you with critical information quickly, such as tornado warnings, road closures, missing persons, and evacuations that are specific to Monroe County.
You will receive time-sensitive messages by signing up for these alerts! This is a free service for anyone in Monroe County, Indiana.
While registering for the alerts, you can specify how you would like to receive them, whether by text, email, and/or landline.
You can also register for automated weather alerts through this system.
These automated weather alerts are voluntary. You are able to select the weather alerts that you would like to receive.
Travel Status Map
To keep up to date on the current travel status of Monroe County, check out the Travel Status Map:
For up-to-date news, follow us on Facebook and sign up for alerts from the Monroe County Alert System.
An emergency or disaster may strike at anytime, unannounced. The best way to survive and recover from an incident is to be prepared for them at all times. One way to help yourself be prepared, is to make an emergency preparedness kit that you can take with you everywhere you go. It is a great idea to have multiple kits. You can keep one in your vehicle at all times, one in your house, and any other location that you may think about.
Battery-powered Flashlight
Extra Batteries
Water Bottles
Non-perishable food items
First Aid Kit
Rain gear/Poncho
Extra clothing
Personal Hygiene products
Cell phones with charges
Extra cash for emergency use
Waterproof matches and fire starter kit
Road Flares
NOAA Weather Radio
Maps of your area (County and State)
Tarps to make a shelter if needed
House or Apartment
Outbuilding or shed
Follow us on Facebook at EMAMonroeIN Follow us on Twitter at EMAMonroe
The Health Department will be opening at 10:00am on Friday, March 28, 2025, due to a department meeting.
The Health Department and IU Health Community Health are gathering community feedback about the risks of vaping and whether it should be added to the County's Smoking Ordinance. Please tell us by clicking here or on the picture below!
Share with your co-workers/friends/neighbors as well!
To view the Monroe County Community Health Assessment (CHA) and/or provide feedback click here.
To stay up-to-date on information in Monroe County follow us on Social Media!
The mission of the Monroe County Health Department is to protect, promote and improve the health of all people in Monroe County
Leading and partnering to create a healthier and safer Monroe County Community.
Main level - Enter from 7th Street - Health Department main office:
Administration, Environmental Health Services, and Vital Records (Walk-ins are welcome for birth & death certificates and copies of paternity affidavits. Appointments are required for some services. Please call (812) 349-2542 or email schedule an appointment).
Lower level - Enter from College Ave, a ramp with a mural along the path:
Disease Intervention (STD), Population Health & Outreach, and Public Health Preparedness
Monroe County Public Health Clinic - Located at 333 E. Miller Drive
Wellness screenings, immunizations
Monroe County Public Health Clinic schedules appointments. Call 812-353-3244to make an appointment. Located at 333 East Miller Drive.
Disease Intervention(STD) appointments are required for STD testing. Call (812) 349-2829 to schedule an appointment.
For syringe pick-up requests, please call (812) 349-2543, leave a message, and staff will respond during normal business hours. Clickhere for information regarding safe sharps and medication disposal in Monroe County.
Through this website, you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of the Monroe County Health Department. We have no control over the nature, content, and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them, they are for informational purposes only.
Welcome to the information site for the Monroe County Employee Services Department. The mission of the Monroe County Employee Services Department is to be proactive in providing quality and professional employee services, training, and support to all Monroe County Offices and employees in a manner that promotes personal and organizational growth, efficiency, and equality; to also ensure courteously, well-qualified employees are recruited, developed, and retained so that the Citizens of Monroe County may continue to take pride in their local government.
The Employee Services Department maintains the personnel files and employment information for each employee, administers all employee benefits offered by the county, administers payroll, and recruits/refers applicants to the hiring departments. We are committed to providing the citizens and taxpayers of Monroe County with the most responsive governmental services possible.
Monroe County Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It is the policy of Monroe County Government to provide equal opportunity to all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, marital status, veteran status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or any other legally protected characteristic. This policy applies to all phases of employment including hiring, placement, promotion, transfers, demotion, lay-off, compensation, training, and termination of employment.
All open positions are posted on this website. The County's goal is to find the best-qualified candidate for each position while promoting from within whenever possible.
Applications are accepted for current postings only.
Please peruse this website for more information concerning employee benefits, opportunities, policies, and related matters.
The Monroe County Legal Department is also referred to as the Monroe County Attorney's Office. The Legal Department is responsible for drafting and enforcing county ordinances and county codes and for providing legal advice and representation to Monroe County Government officials and employees on government matters.
While the Legal Department is not authorized to provide general legal services to the public, it will provide information concerning Monroe County ordinances and Monroe County codes to the public.
David B. Schilling - Administrative Attorney for the Legal Department. Primarily represents the Planning Department and Planning Commission, Building Department and Licensing Board, Board of Zoning Appeals, Drainage Board, Coroner, Surveyor and Surveyor Review Board. Also, Storm Water Management Board, Environmental Commission, Americans with Disability Act Advisory Committee, Auditor – Property, Health Board and Waste Reduction District.
E. Jeff Cockerill - Primarily represents the Commissioners, Treasurer, Economic Development Commission, Airport, Auditor – Financial, Internal Controls Oversight Committee, Convention & Visitors Commission, Convention Center Building Committee, Redevelopment Commission, Capital Improvement Board, Food and Beverage Tax Advisory Commission, Affordable Housing Commission, and Precinct and District Boundary Advisory Committee.
Molly Turner-King – Primarily represents the County Council, Personnel Administration Committee, Employee Services, Highway Department, Traffic Commission, Technical Services, Clerk, Election Board, Women’s Commission, Prosecutor Liaison, Public Defender Liaison, Probation, Community Corrections Advisory Board, Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative, Youth Services Bureau, and Substance Use Disorder Awareness Commission.
Justin D. Roddye – Primarily represents the Sheriff, Parks & Recreation, Assessor, Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals, Recorder, County Commission on Public Records, Ordinance Enforcement, Animal Management, Emergency Management Advisory Council, Emergency Management Agency, Veterans’ Affairs, Weights and Measures, and Central Emergency Dispatch Board.
Key Features:
Monroe County Code Printed versions of the Monroe County Code may be viewed at the following locations: Monroe County Auditor’s Office, Courthouse, 100 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN 47404; Monroe County Public Library, 303 E. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN 47408; Wells Library, 1320 E. Tenth St., Bloomington, IN 47405; and, Maurer School of Law Library, 211 S. Indiana Ave., Bloomington, IN 47405. While the Monroe County Code is amended throughout the year, it is updated semi-annually. If you have questions regarding the effectiveness of specific Code provisions, please call the Legal Department.
Related Links For contact information concerning legal services, State of Indiana, and City of Bloomington information.
2025 Shelter Reservations will be available online starting at 8:00am on Thursday, January 2nd.
The Monroe County Parks and Recreation Department exists to provide high quality parks, recreation and educational programs, to promote appreciation of environmental and cultural resources, and to preserve green space. Monroe County remains committed to making facilities and services available to anyone, regardless of resident status, ability to pay, or physical/mental ability.
For more information on shelter and garden plot reservations, program registration, and athletic schedules please visit RecDesk
About the Planning Department
The Monroe County Planning Department performs a vital role in creating and communicating a vision of the county and acts as the primary coordinating agency in the development, adoption, and implementation of the county's land use plans and policies. The department provides both current and long range planning services to the various County boards, including the Plan Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, County Commissioners, as well as to the general public.
We are happy to answer your questions regarding proposed construction, subdividing property, zoning issues, or other related questions. You can use the online form (link below), identify the correct staff member using the Staff & Permits page, or call the main line to have someone answer your call Monday-Friday 8AM - 4PM.
Monroe County has a strong, deeply-rooted bicycling culture and history and is home to Indiana University and the City of Bloomington. The League of American Bicyclists has recognized IU as a bicycle-friendly university and Bloomington as a bicycle-friendly community. In addition, Monroe County hosts a variety of popular cycling events including the Little 500 and the Hilly Hundred.
We are committed to creating and implementing lasting policy and infrastructural improvements to provide safe accommodation for bicycle transportation and recreation in Monroe County. This site provides a variety of bicycle-related resources intended to encourage and support Monroe County cyclists.
Give Us Your Feedback on Active Transportation in Monroe County!
Take our Active Transportation Survey and let us know your thoughts about how we can continue to build a better connected community!
RELATED EVENTS - choose the Events tab below for any upcoming special events related to Alternative Transportation within Monroe County!
The EMAC meets on the Third Tuesday of every other month beginning February of each year. The meeting is held at the Monroe County Emergency Operations Center at 5850 W. Foster Curry Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403 at 9:00am.