Stormwater Management Board
The Monroe County Stormwater Management Board is made up of the County Surveyor and the three County Commissioners. Together, they oversee Monroe County's Stormwater Program. This includes approval of large project contracts, annual budgets and any other program components related to Monroe County's stormwater system.
- Agendas
- Minutes
- News
- Meetings
- Useful
Upcoming Meetings
- Monroe County Stormwater Management Board Meeting - Hybrid
Wednesday, February 05 3:30 pm at Nat U Hill - Monroe County Stormwater Management Board Meeting - Hybrid
Wednesday, March 05 3:30 pm at Nat U Hill - Monroe County Stormwater Management Board Meeting - Hybrid
Wednesday, April 02 3:30 pm at Nat U Hill - Monroe County Stormwater Management Board Meeting - Hybrid
Wednesday, May 07 3:30 pm at Nat U Hill