Protection Orders
Protection Orders can now be filed online, but there are several options to file. The online application can be filled out at any time, on any day and could take as little as 30 minutes to complete, but this will vary depending on how many incidents and exhibits are involved. Protection Orders filed in person typically take 2 hours. Completing an Intake form begins the process. Please note that an online application filed outside of normal business hours will not be addressed by the Court until its next business day. Contact law enforcement if you feel you are in danger. Go to Useful links below to access the Intake form.
No court filing fees are required for Protection Orders that involve domestic/family violence, harassment, sexual assault, or stalking.
Petitions may be filed in person *by appointment Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. (excluding holidays)
It is not necessary to provide a Respondent address in order to file. However, even is an Order of Protection is granted, until the order is served upon the Respondent, it is not enforceable by law enforcement. Please provide Respondent address, if available.
Protection Order Filing Options (How You Can Submit Your Pleading Submissions to the Court):
- E-file a Protection Order
- In Person Filing
- Mail In Pleading Submissions for the Court
- Public Access Deposit of Pleading Submissions for the Court - located near front entrance doors of Charlotte Zietlow Justice Building
Finding Courage and Hope: Financial Support for Women Experiencing Domestic Violence
Indiana National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Security Alert
Internet usage can be monitored and is impossible to erase completely. If you're concerned your internet usage might be monitored, call Ph#800.799.SAFE(7233). Remember to clear your browser history after visiting this website.
El Centro Comunal Latino (CCL) Ph#(812)355.7513 /
Al apoyar familias, adultos y niños, el CCL ayuda a construir una comunidad más fuerte.
Domestic violence (DV) is a common cause of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) among the population. Note that Jean Capler, Local Support Network Leader for RHI Rehab Resource Facilitation. Ph#(812)332.7331 or
Brain Injury Services and Resources
If you have changes in your condition including difficulty breathing, swallowing, or difficulty with memory; seek medical attention immediately!
- Strangulation can cause miscarriage, stroke, breathing difficulties, and bleeding of the arteries in the neck.
- You may not recognize you have injuries from strangulation for days, weeks or even years after the event.
- We consider strangulation to be a very serious threat.
- We believe strangulation is a sign that the violence in your relationship has increased and safety is threatened.
- We believe strangulation is a sign that you are/were at high risk for being killed or severely injured by your abuser.
- We want you to know that we are very concerned for your safety and wellbeing.
- We want you to know we would like to offer you support and help you access important medical care.
Counseling Resources in Bloomington
The intake process for in person filing of a Protection Order is approximately 1-1/2 hours. If you are using paid parking, please be sure to provide enough money on the parking meter. We will excuse petitioners to place more money on their parking meter, if necessary.
Clerks assisting with Protection Orders may assist with filling out forms, but we cannot give legal advice. If Petitioners are able to come prepared to file, this will expedite the processing of your request to the Court. Clerks generally obtain a brief summary which provides context to the Court (e.g. details about how the parties know one another). Then, the Clerk will document incident(s) in a reverse chronological order - meaning we begin with the most recent event and move back in time, documenting the oldest event. We gather any exhibits/evidence (e.g. text messages, photos, hospital or police reports). Preparing these submissions in advance of your in person visit will cut down on the time you must spend in our office.
Free or Reduced Legal Help:
Cost: payment is based upon income
Indiana University Protective Order Project
Cost: free
- Useful
Contact Us
County Clerk-Election Board Secretary
- Phone: (812) 349-5010
- Staff Directory
- M - F 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.