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Juvenile Division

Referrals To Juvenile Probation

Unlike the adult probation system where adult offenders are not introduced to the probation system until after a conviction, probation is the starting place for a juvenile’s interaction with the juvenile justice system. 
All juvenile cases processed through the juvenile justice system begin with a written report, or referral.  The Juvenile Division receives referrals for youth under the age of 18 from various sources, including law enforcement, parents, schools, businesses, and the public.
Juveniles are referred to the Probation Department for committing delinquent acts or status offenses.  Delinquent acts are defined as acts that would be crimes if committed by an adult.  Status offenses are acts of delinquency that are not crimes for adults, and include truancy, habitual disobedience, curfew violation, and runaway. 
Citizens or parents may contact the Juvenile Division to inquire about making a referral to the Probation Department in one of three ways:
  • Call the Juvenile Division Office at (812) 349-2000 and request to speak to a Juvenile Probation Officer.
  • Visit the Juvenile Division Office located in the Community Corrections building at 405 W. 7th Street, Suite 2, during office hours and request to speak with a Juvenile Probation Officer.
  • Email the Juvenile Division Secretary and request a Complaint of Delinquency form.

Juvenile Probation: A Focus on Prevention

Research has demonstrated that the best mechanisms to keep youth from “graduating” to the adult criminal justice system are programs and practices which focus on prevention and early intervention.  The Monroe Circuit Court Probation Department provides many rehabilitative programs and services which keep juveniles out of detention and divert youth from incarceration. 
Most of the juvenile programs operated by the Probation Department are funded by a grant from the Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC), with the express purpose of diverting youth from incarceration in the state’s juvenile correctional facilities (the Indianapolis Juvenile Correctional Facility, more commonly known as Indiana Girls School or Indiana Boys School).

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