Monroe County, Indiana

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The Office of the Sheriff of Monroe County and its employees are dedicated to fulfilling the constitutional mandates of the office on behalf of the citizens, community, and courts of Monroe County, Indiana and to providing quality law enforcement and correctional services to our constituents.


  • A civilized society expects that our courts function in a safe and secure environment; that inmates are expeditiously transported to and from judicial proceedings and correctional institutions; that criminal records are maintained to insure the positive identification of defendants; that fugitives from justice are apprehended and brought before the court; and, that civil process, writs and other documents are executed in a timely manner.
  • The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office recognizes its responsibility to the citizens and visitors to the area.  In so doing and to insure that citizens receive the highest quality law enforcement and public safety services commensurate with budgetary constraints, this Office shares its broad scope of specialized, quality resources with all municipal, state, and federal law enforcement and public safety agencies and with selected community groups.
  • The Office of the Sheriff will collaborate with community mental health, educational, and volunteer groups to provide appropriate services for inmates.  This office will also work closely with other components of the criminal justice system in an attempt to improve effectiveness and increase efficiency in operational and administrative endeavors.

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Charlotte Zietlow Justice Center
301 N College Ave
Bloomington, IN 47404
Get Directions
  • Phone: (812) 349-2534
  • Fax: (812) 349-2828
  • Emergency: 911
  • Non-Emergency: 812-349-2780
  • Staff Directory
  • M - F 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
    Emergency - 24 hours a day

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