Community Corrections
The mission of the Monroe Circuit Court Probation Department is to promote a safer community by intervening in the lives of justice involved individuals, holding them accountable, and serving as a catalyst for positive change.
General Information
The Monroe County Community Corrections Program is a division of Monroe Circuit Court Probation Department. The Community Corrections Executive Director is also a Deputy Chief Probation Officer.
In Indiana, the basic sentencing options for crimes are jail, prison, and/or probation. Community Corrections alternatives such as Home Detention, Day Reporting and Work Release are also available in many Indiana counties. For misdemeanor offenses and lesser felony offenses, Judges may sentence offenders to jail, Community Corrections alternatives, and/or probation.
Monroe County Community Corrections Case Managers are certified probation officers who supervise caseloads of offenders who are serving jail/prison sentences on the Community Alternative Supervision Program (CASP). The CASP probation officers/case managers perform probation supervision duties.
The Monroe County Community Corrections Program provides a continuum of alternative services which includes:
- Community Transition Program - Offenders may be released from prison under home detention supervision as part of a coordinated reentry.
- Day Reporting - Offenders report daily for supervision monitoring including alcohol and drug testing.
- Home Detention - Offenders serve jail sentences in their homes while they are tethered to ankle bracelets for Electronic Monitoring. GPS (Global Positioning) monitoring is used to keep closer tabs on more serious offenders.
- Public Restitution - Community service work performed for non-profit agencies.
- Recent
News - Useful
Links - Forms &
Useful Links
- Spanish Adult Orientation & Demographics Forms
- Adult Orientation & Demographics Forms
- Printable Map of Downtown Social Services (pdf)
- Adult Pre-Trial Intake, Orientation and Demographic Forms
- Indiana Special Probation Conditions for Adult Sex Offenders
- Home Study Demographic Forms
- Community Corrections Agency Agreement
Contact Us
- Phone: (812) 349-2000
- Fax:
(812) 349-2001 - Staff Directory
- Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Day Reporting Hours:
Monday - Thursday
7:00 am - 9:00 am
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
7:00 am - 9:00 am
7:00 am (Problem Solving Court)
Emergency calls taken 24 hours through the Bloomington Police Dept, (812) 339-4477, 911, or Monroe Co. Sheriff's Office (812) 349-2780.