Monroe County, Indiana

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Find My Case

Citizens of Indiana have access to case filings not precluded by Access to Court Records Rule 5.  If you wish to view a pending case or a closed case, Odyssey (the judicial tracking information program) provides access to court information via the internet.  You can access case information without visiting or placing a call to the Justice Building.  Please note: Juvenile and mental health matters, per Access to Court Records Rule 5 are not accessible.

Visitors must know at the minimum the first 3 letters of the last name or full case number to perform the search.  If you are using only the first 3 letters, place an * after the 3rd letter prior to submitting.

The link to the website is:

**Juvenile Paternity cases filed prior to July 1, 2014 may not appear on**

Contact Us

Lisa Abraham,
Court Administrator
Charlotte Zietlow Justice Center
301 N College Ave
Bloomington, IN 47404
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