Monroe County, Indiana

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Juror Information

Welcome to the Monroe Circuit Court! 

We thank you for taking time away from your job and family to serve as a juror.  We know that juror service can create hardships for potential jurors, and we will make every effort to minimize your time away from job and family.    The right to trial by jury is assured to each citizen of this State by the Constitutions of the United States of America and the Indiana State Constitution.  Without the service of citizens such as you, the right to trial by jury would be meaningless and unattainable. Your service ensures that all citizens have access to equal justice under the law.

Juror Message Line: 812-349-5879 (JURY)

If you are summonsed to appear for jury service and need to watch the video please click here ⇒ Jury Video

Frequently asked questions regarding jury duty

Contact Us

Lisa Abraham,
Court Administrator
Charlotte Zietlow Justice Center
301 N College Ave
Bloomington, IN 47404
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