Transfer of Probation
Adult Intrastate Transfer of Probation
At sentencing or anytime thereafter, the court that placed the offender on probation may transfer supervision of the offender to a court of another jurisdiction in Indiana (intrastate transfer) when one of the following has been verified:
- Offender resides in the receiving county;
- Offender works in the receiving county;
- Offender is taking educational courses in the receiving county; or
- Offender has other significant contacts in the receiving county.
A copy of the Intrastate Transfer of Adult Probation Supervision Rules can be found here: Intrastate Transfer of Adult Probation Supervision Rules
Adult Interstate Compact Transfer of Probation
No state shall permit a convicted individual who is eligible for transfer under the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision to relocate to another state except as provided in the Compact rules. Individuals are not permitted to apply for transfer of supervision (probation, parole, home detention) through the Compact until the case has reached final disposition. An individual applying for interstate supervision shall execute, at the time of application for transfer, a waiver of extradition from any state to which the offender may abscond while under supervision in the receiving state; the individual must accept that a sending state can retake them at anytime and that formal extradition hearings are not required. Before an individual will be allowed to leave Sending state, they shall sign all forms required by the Compact.
Additional details regarding the rules for Interstate Compact Transfer can be found on the ICAOS website which can be found here.
Step-by-Step ICOAS rules can be located here.
The Monroe Circuit Court Probation Department has developed an Eligibility Guide for Interstate Compact that can be found here.
Juvenile Interstate Compact
Contact Us
Chief Probation Officer
- Business: (812) 349-2645
- Fax:
(812) 349-2975 - Staff Directory
- Monday -Thursday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Emergency calls taken 24
hours through the
Bloomington Police Dept,
(812) 339-4477, 911,
or Monroe Co. Sheriff's
Office, (812) 349-2780.