Monroe County, Indiana

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Water Testing

Water Testing

Testing for the presence of coliform in drinking water is done by the City of Bloomington's Dillman Water Treatment Lab. 

To have your water tested, please contact:

Dillman Road Wastewater Treatment Plant
100 W. Dillman Road, Bloomington, IN  47403
(812) 824-4900
For Lab Sample Drop Off Hours, visit HERE

Public services at the lab include performing bacteria tests on samples from swimming pools and private well water. Samples can be brought in for testing or empty sample bottles picked up during the hours noted above.

Water Testing Form

Well Water Disinfection Information

Groundwater and Water Well Information for Consumers -

The Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) is seeking additional private well owners to receive an in-person water well assessment completed at the well using a new assessment tool.

The assessment tool will help a well owner understand the potential risks and vulnerabilities that might impact the drinking water. It considers site conditions, geology, land use practices, well construction, and maintenance. RCAP will not be opening the well or sampling from the tap.

To nominate your well for an assessment, please send an email to Steve Wilson at with the well owner name, email address, and telephone number along with the well location.

In the event of a flood emergency, please consider the following information: 

Directions for Disinfecting Well and Water Sources
Directions for Treating Drinking Water in Small Quantities

Free, Innovative PFAS Water Test for Private Well Owners in Monroe County

Are you a private well owner in Monroe County? You may be eligible for a free, innovative water test for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a class of human-made compounds that do not break down easily in the environment. Researchers from Indiana University and RTI International, a non-profit research organization, seek private well owners to join their grant-funded research study. The purpose of the study is to understand where PFAS are in well water in the United States. Participants will receive a free, mail-out test kit along with instructions on how to collect water samples for an array of PFAS contaminants. After sample collection, participants will use a prepaid mailing label to return the test kit to RTI’s Laboratory in Durham, NC. Participants will receive contaminant results in a clear manner. To learn more and enroll, please visit our webpage at You may also contact us or call +1-855-997-3184 if you have questions.

Please contact one of our Wastewater Specialists for more information at or by phone: 812-349-2543, option 3. Office hours for staff are normally 8am-9am Monday through Friday for walk-ins. We urge you to make an appointment prior to walking in as staff may be out of the office doing field work.

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Contact Us

Lori Kelley,
Health Administrator
Health Building
119 W 7th St
Bloomington, IN 47404
Get Directions
  • Phone: (812) 349-2543
  • Fax: (812) 339-6481
  • Staff Directory
  • M - F 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m.

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